“Game On”- Shake Down Meal Replacement

Click Here For More Information On This Shake Down Meal Replacement Shake

“Power Up”- Start the Day off Right !

Take 2 Capsules Before Breakfast and 2 Before Lunch Everyday

Click Here For More Information On Power Up

“Game On” Facts

“Game On” Weight Management System

Why You Need Vitamin D !

Welcome !

This article is written by a good friend and partner of mine. Paul Kroto comes to you with a Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology. I hope Paul’s information is well taken and gives you a little insight into the Vitamin D world. Enjoy!


Article Written By Paul Kroto
Master’s Degree In Nutrition and Exercise Physiology
Certified By The American College of Sports Medicine
Certified By The National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Lack of Vitamin D and Fatigue

One of the best things to take if you tend to be tired or if you have chronic fatigue syndrome is vitamin D. A slow increase in fatigue can be explained by a lack of vitamin D.

Vitamin D has a half-life of about two months in the system. If a person starts getting less sunlight, the amount of vitamin D in their body will slowly decline over a period of months leaving you more and more fatigued.

Lack of Vitamin D and Your Immune System

Lack of vitamin D can greatly weaken your immune system which can leave you vulnerable to infections and allergies that cause even more fatigue.

To understand why a weakened immune system can cause allergies, you have to understand what an allergy is. An allergy is when the immune system attacks something it should ignore. The immune system should ignore pollen, but instead it attacks it. Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to tell the difference between a cold and an allergy? When you get a cold, a virus invades the throat and sinuses. The body then tries to make these places less hospitable to the virus by flushing out the area with mucous. When you have a pollen allergy, pollen gets into these areas. The immune system should leave it alone, but because it is weakened and not functioning properly it attacks the pollen the same way it attacks a virus.

Vitamin D is also important in the prevention and treatment of Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer. It is also necessary for proper thyroid function and normal blood clotting.

Vitamin D, Your Bones and Teeth

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Without it, you can eat all the calcium you want, but your body will not be able to use it. Vitamin D has been found to be involved in at least 30 processes throughout the body.

If your body does not have sufficient calcium, it will start to produce parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH causes your body to take calcium and phosphorous from your bones. Insufficient vitamin D will weaken both your bones and teeth.

Vitamin D and Your Gums

I had a recent dental appointment and my doctor could not believe how much my gum disease has improved from taking the Vitamin D found in Sip of Sunshine by Suzanne Somers.

Where Does Vitamin D Come From?

Vitamin D is created when ultraviolet light from the sun strikes the skin. UV light is usually only present at mid-day. Just a small change in your schedule could result in a large reduction in vitamin D. The only food that naturally contains significant Vitamin D is fish liver.

Are We Getting Enough Vitamin D?

In northern areas, there is very little ultraviolet light available in the wintertime. Significant UV light is only available from the hours of 10AM through 2PM (11-3 daylight savings time). Of course, sunscreen filters most UV light. Even untinted windows filter out most UV light. Your commute to work and back in the morning and afternoon doesn’t help you get the Vitamin D you need.

Many of us simply don’t get outside in the middle of the day. Many adults don’t drink enough milk or eat much fish. If we don’t get outside and don’t take vitamins, there is a very high probability that we have insufficient Vitamin D.

Our stone-age ancestors were hunter/gatherers or farmers and spent most of their time in the sun without a lot of clothes. Our ancestors got ten times the amount of vitamin D that we get today.

Today, we spend more and more time inside. When I was a child, parents encouraged children to play outside to get fresh air and sunshine. Today, kids have video games and over 100 TV channels to keep them inside. They are more likely to have karate classes or other activities that are held indoors.

People are spending less and less time outside. The rate of rickets among children is triple what it was a few years ago.

Studies on people that spend a lot of time in the sun such as lifeguards and farmers show that they can have twice as much vitamin D in their blood as other people.

In recent years, we’ve been repeatedly advised to stay out of the sun and use sunscreen. If we don’t get out in the sun and don’t drink milk or eat fish, there are no other sources of vitamin D. It is the forgotten vitamin.

Vitamin D, How Much Do You Need Per Day?

2,000 iu per day is the perfect amount of vitamin D for both children and adults so all you need is 1 Sip of Sunshine packet every morning and you are good to go for the day! (It would take 20 glasses of milk per day (8oz each) to get 2000 iu of Vitamin D per day)

Vitamin D initially enters the body in one form and is then converted to a more active form. Once you start taking Sip of Sunshine everyday, it can take about six weeks before the levels of active Vitamin D peak in your bloodstream. It can take weeks to see an improvement.

In some cases of severe deficiency, large doses of vitamin D have been shown to have amazing results. One doctor treated five wheelchair bound patients with large doses of vitamin D. Four completely recovered in a few months!!

When you get up in the morning, write down how you feel. Was it hard or easy to get out of bed? Do you feel foggy? Does your back hurt? Do you have sinus pressure? Or do you feel really good? As the day goes on and these things change, write it down or better still, enter it into a word processing document.

You will find that by consistently taking 2000 iu of Vitamin D every day you will start to feel better and better over time.

1 Sip of Sunshine packet by Suzanne Somers contains exactly 2000 iu of Vitamin D along with a host of other Essential Vitamins and GliSODin which naturally raises your Glutathione levels!

Suzanne Somers 2

Be sure to contact the person that sent you to this site and get your Sip of Sunshine TODAY!!

Rebound fx – The World’s Greatest Sports Drink!

Click here to downline the PDF Fact Sheet on Rebound FX

Click here to listen to Episode 15 : Tue Aug 11 2009 : REBOUNDfx – to find out more about this AMAZING product!!

I love the taste of the Reboundfx™ and I love the fact that I can take a healthy energy drink and not feel jittery!  I take Reboundfx™ on a daily basis and find that it gives me sustained energy to get me through my work day and helps me fulfill the many tasks at home at the end of my day.  Reboundfx™ is a product I feel good about sharing with my friends and family because it contains 100+ nutrients and there are many more benefits to nutrition then just energy.  Leia B. – Utah

My story on ReboundFX™ for me is phenomenal!  I have always been a sleepy driver.  One time we were at Arches National Monument and I drove our Pace Arrow motor home off the road and into the bushes.  No injuries or damage but that was pretty common that I would fall asleep at the wheel.  After a Conference in 05 we went to Sedona for R&R.  I drove all the way home while Rose slept on 2 samples of ReboundFX™.  In the old days she would have been poking me and watching my eyes.  Because of ReboundFX™ she didn’t worry and slept most of the 600 miles I drove that day.  Wes T. – Utah

We order Reboundfx™ every month from the USA.  Right now it is summer competition for soccer over here in Australia.  To give my two boys the edge before they play each game they both have ReboundFX™ in their water bottles.  They call Jack ( 9 ) the ” Whippet ” as he just does not stop running once he hits the field.  TJ (11) as goal keeper has sharper reactions saves more goals.  But they both love the sustained energy that Reboundfx™ gives them both.  Its amazing how much they feel the increased energy levels.My wife Joanne loves the taste and the energy that Reboundfx™ gives her.  As a busy mother and housewife who never stops she finds the extra up and go from Reboundfx™ is fantastic.  Tom F. – Australia

Reboundfx™ has been a great product for me.  I clean houses about 8 hours a day.  When I get started in the morning I will take the Reboundfx™ and it gets me through my day where before I was always tired and dragging through my day, now I have tons of energy!  Vivian W. – Utah

Like most teachers I have worked with I used to drink a lot of Diet Coke to wake me up in the morning, again at lunch to keep me awake, and then on the way home so I could keep up with with my two kids.  I started drinking Reboundfx™ about six months ago and quickly dropped my Diet Coke habit, I just didn’t need 64 ounces of soda a day to stay awake!  A Reboundfx™ drink in the morning gets me going and the energy stays with me all day!  Not to mention the weight I have lost as a result of not drinking all that soda!  My Doctor has even lowered the dosage on my thyroid medication as my body is getting a daily dose of vitamins and minerals in the form of Healthy Energy from the Reboundfx™ product.  I love Reboundfx™!  Tammy C. – Utah

Reboundfx™ gives me all 13 Essential Vitamins and all 75 Essential Minerals that my body needs everyday AND a great Energy Boost at the sametime!  I LOVE THIS PRODUCT!!  Greg M. – San Diego

Unbelievable! I’ve been drinking Reboundfx™ for several days. This product really works….instantly… Reboundfx™ has given me the results I’ve been looking for..Energy, focus, and no jittery feeling whatsoever…..Thanks Reboundfx™!  Julian Smith – Australia

While training for an Olympic Distance Triathlon, I started learning all I could about nutrition for athletes. I wanted to find the best way to keep myself healthy and properly fueled for all the training that I was doing. It’s important to me to not only be able to compete but to be able to continue to be active all the time. I was checking into different pre, during and post training drinks to figure out which one would provide what my body needed to fuel it for the workout that day and the workouts to come. I liked the energy I felt when I drank Rebound and hadn’t noticed that with any of the other energy drinks I had tried. The more I learned about the minerals in rebound, geared towards replacing exactly what minerals you lose each time you sweat, I was even more impressed. This made sense to me to drink something that would replace what my body lost so I wasn’t trying to push my body to continually train harder yet putting it at a deficit as far as nutrients each time I trained.  Sarah Sutherland – Las Vegas, NV

Reboundfx™ has helped me train at a level I have never been able to attain before. My resting heart rate is in the mid 40’s down from the mid 50’s! In the sport I am in, (Freestyle Motocross) I recover much more quickly since using Reboundfx™. My kids drink Berry Boost due to the great taste. What a great way to get essential nutrients into them!  David Demangos – San Diego, CA

Since I have been using Reboundfx™ my energy has skyrocketed. I feel better all over and I’m never tired. This is the best healthy-energy drink ever.  Barry Harmon – Sherman, TX

I’ve tried many products out there for years. 15 minutes after taking Reboundfx™, I felt a difference. I felt more alert, more oxygenated and overall just plain GOOD! It seems to stay with me for 7 hours and no excess fatigue or “crashing” afterward. And I sleep like a baby. I never want to be without it!  Luke Elder – Singapore

I drink Reboundfx™ every day. It’s what keeps me alert, gives me energy and stamina as I travel and train a lot with my job. It also builds my immune system. As a grandmother, I give it to my grandchildren to keep their immune systems up as they are in school and daycare where germs are everywhere. Reboundfx™ is the replacement for our whole family instead of juices and sodas that have so much sugar, we all drink Reboundfx™. For us it is the healthiest thing we can do for ourselves and sets the example for the children, because they are our future. It starts with us. Drink “Reboundfx™ The World’s Greatest Drink.” Tell others and make a difference in their lives.  Peggy Lapsley – West Des Moines, IA

Reboundfx™ has become a very important part of my family. When I am driving and my brain gets road fuzzy, I drink an ounce of Melon Rebound and my mind becomes clear and very focused. I say I am a much safer driver now. I like to take the Berry Boost Rebound before I go dancing. It gives me energy, but I am still able to sleep at night. These are great products I will always keep on hand.  Rosemary Morley – Scottsdale, AZ

My husband has been using the Reboundfx™ all summer, while constructing a new Sportsplex. Along with the Slender FX, he has lost 18 lbs and several inches! The Rebound has help keep him hydrated in the hot sun and given him sustained energy, which he loves! He also is an assistant high school football coach, and has the other coaches and team on the Reboundfx™! My son plays both high school football and basketball. He has enjoyed the benefits of the Reboundfx™ tremendously! He is in the top 10 for the state of TN in 3 pointers in basketball and recently finished in the top at a University Football Camp in passing and running. Currently quarterbacking for his high school team, he knows the Rebound has given him mental alertness, stamina and the edge he needs to perform his best!  Debra Flanders – Springfield, Tennessee

During our Board meetings, we have a Youngevity Display and we serve samples of Rebound with bottles of water about the middle of the afternoon, just when everyone is starting to get tired. Of course, I gave some to the vendors also. The Jewelry Vendor next to me started telling people that the day before she had tried the Rebound, and kept going the whole afternoon, with more energy than she could believe. She was sending all her customers over to the Youngevity table, telling them, –“go see Irene, that stuff really works”.  E. Irene Theis at Bemidji Area Business & Professional Women – Laporte, Minnesota

A new job, at the same time as my husband’s serious illness, resulted in a great deal of stress and also depression. It was an effort to get out of bed and get to work each day. When my Mom told me that Reboundfx™, not only would give me more energy, but relieve my depression, I was quite skeptical. However, I have taken the Rebound for about 2 months now and it truly works for both! I have more energy every day, and I find I can deal with my husband’s illness without the depression that I had. I would not be without it. The last thing I would cut from my expenses is Reboundfx™. Besides – it also tastes good!  Debra Noren – Big Lake, Minnesota

Since being on the Reboundfx™, I not only have more energy but this product has helped me keep off weight. At one time my feet swelled a lot but since being on Reboundfx™, the swelling is no longer there. Great Product! I love it.  Karen Harmon – Sherman, TX

REBOUND has changed my life! Everyday, mid-afternoon my energy level really drags so I head for the fridge, get out my REBOUNDfx™ and know I’m drinking a healthy beverage which gives me the boost that I need. I’m immediately refreshed and able to complete my work feeling great! Thanks so much for this incredible product!  M. Gorby Painter – Florida

I drive a truck and I used to have to eat a lot or snack constantly to try and keep awake. Now I can just take the Reboundfx™ and be alert for hours with no problems. I like that there is no rush and no after effects, I stay awake and alert for as long as I need to. My partner Rod takes it twice a day since he does most of the night driving and he says he will never drive without Reboundfx™ to help him stay awake.  Marcia Stone / Rod Janisch – Team Truck Drivers

I started using Rebound about 7-8 months ago. I was working as a night dispatcher and coffee just wouldn’t keep me awake. After I started using Rebound, I used 1-2 ounces a night, sipping it all night long, I had no problem staying awake and then going to sleep when I finished my shift. Now that I am a driver again coffee didn’t work. I tried other energy drinks but they not only didn’t work they made me feel out of control and when I came down I felt terrible. When I take Rebound my brain stays awake without a ‘rush’ feeling, I just feel like I should feel and when I stop and go to sleep I have no problem sleeping and I wake up refreshed and ready to go. I don’t go anywhere without the Rebound.  Patty Hare – Long Haul Trucker

I started drinking rebound in March 2006 my weight was at 137lbs. In June we had Nashville on Fire and I was down to 119/120. I love to drink Rebound because when I do, I lose the taste for soda. I love it so much I could drink a whole bottle in one week.  Brandy Brogdon – Tennessee

I am a US Postal Carrier, out in the heat of the day when it can just drain you. I use Rebound to keep up my energy during my work day. One of the side benefits of using Rebound is I have enough energy when I get home to enjoy time with my family. Before Rebound, it was all I could do to make it through my route and when I would get home I would just collapse to rest for the next day. Rebound tastes good too.  Ray Kosierowski – Utah

Contact The Person That Sent You To This Site To Order Your Rebound fx TODAY!

The World’s First Healthy Energy Drink!

The #1 Complaint At Doctor’s Offices Is A Lack of Energy

and We Have The Solution To That Problem!

 original box and packssingle shotsingle can

We Call This The “Feel Good Drink” Because You Literally Feel Like A Million Bucks When You Have One of These Healthy Energy Drinks!

All Natural Energy Boost
NO Added Caffeine
NO Artificial Sweeteners
NO Artificial Flavors or Colors
NO Artificial Preservatives
NO Jittery Effects
NO Crashing Afterwards
Works in Minutes and Lasts for 5-6 Hours
Increases Mental Focus and Alertness
Only 24 Calories Per Serving and Only 6 grams of Carbs
It Tastes Incredible!!!!!

3 Reasons To Start Drinking A.C.T. Today:

1. ACT is Healthier For You

2. ACT Lasts Longer then any other Energy Drink on the market

3. ACT is the Cheapest Energy Drink on the market


Click here to see how we compare to everyone else

Click here to view the nutrition label for this product

A.C.T. stands for Advanced Cellular Therapy.  A.C.T. uses ALL NATURAL ingredients that work inside your cells to produce an Incredible Energy Boost

5 Key Herbs and 4 Key Amino Acids


A.C.T. Contains 5 Key Herbs You will not find this unique combination of herbs in any other energy drink. This is what makes A.C.T. very special!

Green TeaThere is no other food or drink reported to have as many health benefits as Green Tea.  The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of Green Tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression.  Green Tea has been used as a medicine in China for at least 4,000 years.

Today, scientific research in both Asia and the West is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking Green Tea everyday.  For example, in 2004 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of a study indicating that drinking Green Tea everyday reduces the risk of Cancer in men and women by nearly 65%.

University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in Green Tea inhibits the growth of Cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking Green Tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Green Tea is the BEST way to raise your energy levels and stay healthy naturally.

Panax Ginseng– The primary health benefits of Panax ginseng derive from its immune-stimulating and antioxidant properties, as well as from its ability to protect the body against the adverse effects of stress.

Ginseng may help the body combat a variety of illnesses. It stimulates the production of specialized immune cells called killer T cells, which destroy harmful viruses and bacteria.nothing like it

Studies have also indicated that the herb may inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells. A large Korean study found that the risk of developing cancer in people who took ginseng was half that of subjects who did not take it.

Ginseng is very beneficial for people who are feeling fatigued and overstressed. The herb has been shown to balance the release of stress hormones in the body and support the organs that produce these hormones, namely the pituitary gland and hypothalamus in the brain and the adrenal glands. Ginseng has also been shown to enhance the production of endorphins, which are feel-good” chemicals produced by the brain.

Many long-distance runners and body-builders take ginseng to increase their physical endurance. Herbalists believe that ginseng can delay fatigue by enabling the exercising muscles to use energy more efficiently.

Guarana– An All Natural Herb that has shown to increase energy, alertness, mood, memory retention and physical endurance.

Maca An All Natural Herb that works within the body to help rebuild a weak immune system, re-mineralize poorly nourished bodies, and increase strength, stamina, energy and endurance.  It has also been shown to increase sexual libido and sexual function in both men and women!

This product is sweetened with a herb called Stevia.  Since Stevia is an All Natural Herb it is the #1 sweetener recommended by doctors and nutritionists.  It contains zero calories, and has zero effect on your blood sugar levels. 

The 4 Key Amino Acids

Taurine– A very potent amino acid that is shown to increase energy levels within human cells.

L-Carnitine– A very potent amino acid that helps in the breakdown and disposal of fat in the body.

L-Arginine– A very potent amino acid that helps the body produce and release more Growth Hormone in the body which has shown to dramatically decrease body fat in humans.

Tyrosine– An amino acid that helps improve brain function.  It is also helpful in suppressing your appetite and reducing body fat.  It is used for stress reduction and helps fight fatigue, anxiety, depression, allergies, as well as headaches. In many studies, tyrosine proved effective in alleviating stress and keeping people more alert.

This Energy Drink also contains Potassium and 100% of The Daily Recommended Allowance for Vitamins C, B6, and B12!

Plus to top it off A.C.T. costs less!  Why wait in line at Starbucks to spend $4 when you can spend less then $2 and have the healthier ACT Energy Drink Delivered To Your Door every month?

Simply put this is the greatest Energy Drink ever created!  Try it for yourself today and experience the awesome effect this product has on how you feel. 

Take The “A.C.T.” Challenge

Order some of our A.C.T.  Energy Drink today and start exchanging your current caffeinated beverage for the Healthier A.C.T. Energy Drink and here’s what we predict will happen:

Day 1: You will Like it

Day 2: You will Love it

Day 3: You will Love it so much that you will start telling your friends about it!


And if you tell your friends about this, we will pay you! 


A.C.T. is the Energy Drink that Pays!!

 we pay you

You can make an ENORMOUS income by simply referring this INCREDIBLE Healthy Energy Drink to other people!  Just click here to find out how!

Please contact the person who sent you to this site for more information.


Multi-Vitamin  +   Multi-Mineral  +  Energy Drink


Every Man, Woman, and Child In The World

NEEDS to be taking 1oz of Invigorita Everyday!



Click here to download and print out the Invigorita PDF Fact Sheet!

Invigorita contains all 13 ESSENTIAL Vitamins, all 75 ESSENTIAL Minerals, AND our world famous DrinkACT All Natural Healthy Energy Drink which will give you a GREAT Energy Boost!

This 3 in 1 product is something EVERYONE should be taking since Vitamins and Minerals are ESSENTIAL to our health and overall well being.

The key when it comes to taking Vitamins and Minerals is taking them in a LIQUID form.  Any type of Multi-Vitamin or Mineral that comes in tablet or pill form NEVER really gets used in your body properly.  100% of Invigorita gets absorbed and used in your cells because it comes in a LIQUID form!!

So STOP buying your tablet or pill based Multi-Vitamin/Mineral and START taking Invigorita TODAY! 

A 32oz bottle is only $35.50!  A GREAT Value since you are getting 3 amazing products in 1 Delicious Margarita Flavored Wellness Drink! 

Is Your Health and Your Families Health Worth $1.11 per Day???

Do you NEED to make some extra money??

50 Million Americans are ALREADY taking a Multi-Vitamin/Mineral every day and 

getting those 50 million people to switch over to Invigorita will be easy because you are getting 3 amazing products in 1 Delicious Margarita Flavored Wellness Drink!


If you just convinced .01% of those 50 Million people (which is 50,000) to switch over to using Invigorita instead of their current Multi-Vitamin/Mineral you would be making

$2 Million Dollars Per Year just on this 1 product alone!

ALL it takes is finding 2 people who understand the POWER of this product and teaching them how to find their 2 people and you can get 50,000 people on your team EASILY with a product like this one!! 

Please contact the person who sent you to this site for more information.

The World’s #1 Fat Burning Energy Drink!

Lose Weight and Have More Energy At The Same Time!

 product_packets_bodytrimBody Trim bottle


Boosts Energy

 Curbs Your Appetite

Speeds Up Your Metabolism

Contains Only Natural Ingredients

Promotes Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Promotes a Healthy Cardiovascular System

Promotes a Healthy Immune System

Delicious Pink Lemonade Flavor

Each box contains 30 individual serving pouches

Or Try Our Convenient 2oz BodyTrim Super Shots!


“I started taking BodyTrim and within a few minutes, not only did I have double the energy, but felt a lot more motivated to exercise. Having a one year old, this product has helped me not only to lose weight, but to also have the energy to do more with my son each day.  I have literally tried dozens of different diet products and BodyTrim is the only one that actually worked.  It helped me lose 46 lbs in just 90 days!”

~ Jill, San Diego
Dave Byers (boat)

BodyTrim Contains All Natural Ingredients

Fibersol-2 (Dietary Fiber) – Natural soluble dietary fiber, cleanses your digestive system

Guarana – Helps you maintain stamina, increase your mental and physical endurance, suppress your appetite, helps you relieve stress and pain

Cha-de-Bugre – Promotes satisfaction and fullness, fights against cellulite & fatty deposits in the body

Garcinia Cambogia – Reduces the body’s production of fat and cholesterol, also suppress your appetite

Green Tea – Kills and inhibits cancer cells, lowers your cholesterol levels, boosts your immune system

Stevia – All natural sweet herb with no calories

Burdock – Cleanses the blood, stimulates the liver, helps to regulate your blood sugar levels, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant

Body Trim Nutrition FactsAmy Summers 

“I just turned 40 and I am SO glad I found BodyTrim.  I have NEVER had this much energy or looked this good. I am a mother of 4 and I can now fit back into the clothes I wore when I was in my 20’s!  BodyTrim really helped me stick to my diet plan.


~ Amy Summers

Please contact the person who sent you to this site for more information.

The World’s #1 SUPER Antioxidant!

Contains All 6 Super Juices

Acai – Mangosteen – Noni – Goji – Aloe Vera – Pomegranate

Vitalagy Packet 

Vitalagy Has The Highest ORAC Score

Vitalagy 3200 per packet
VIBE 3100  per ounce
MonaVie 1200 per ounce
YL BERRY 1000 per ounce
XANGO 530 per ounce
GOGI 380 per ounce
EB Tahitian 165 per ounce
Sea Silver   90 per ounce

The FDA developed a way to measure the Anti-oxidant level of every supplement. The FDA measurement is called the ORAC Rating or ORAC Value. The ORAC Value is developed, using specific scientific steps. It is our understanding that there is only one designated company that determines the ORAC Value of every product which is submitted by each company that wants to have their product rated. Obviously, it can become an embarrassment to companies which find their products with lower ratings and with a High Price. ORAC VALUE destroys multi-level marketing Hoop-La. These ratings are made available to the public.

2 old ladies 

Prevent Damage to Your Cells!

Vitalagy is THE ULTIMATE SUPER ANTIOXIDANT that comes in a handy little pouch that you can take anywhere!  Just add water and enjoy!!

Delicious Vitalagy Antioxidant is packed with vitamins, natural whole food antioxidants and beneficial phyto-nutrients that protect vital cells and boost immunity.  It’s the natural way to give your body a healthful boost every day for optimal wellness!

Vitalagy not only contains the Antioxidant Vitamins A, C, and E but also a host of other antioxidants including ALL 6 SUPER JUICES!

1. Mangosteen Juice

2. Acai Berry

3. Goji Juice

4. Noni Juice

5. Aloe Vera Juice

6. Pomegranate Juice


1. Mangosteen JuiceThe 60 Conditions That Respond Positively To Mangosteen Juice


1. ADD
3. Allergies
4. Alzheimer’s Disease
5. Anemia
6. Autism
7. Autoimmune Disorders
8. Bacterial Conditions
9. Cardiovascular Disease
10. Celiac Disease
11. Chronic Fatigue
12. Crohn’s Disease
13. Cystic Fibrosis
14. Depression
15. Eczema
16. Epstein-Barr
17. Fatigue
18. Fibromyalgia
19. Fungal Conditions
20. Glucose Intolerance
21. Gastritis 
22. Gum Disease
23. Hashimoto Thyroiditis
24. Headaches
25. Heavy Metal Toxicity
26. Hepititis C
27. Homocysteine
28. Hormone Imbalances In Males
29. Hormone Imbalances In Female
30. H. Pylori
31. Hyperactivity
32. Hypoglycemia
33. Immune System Health
34. Indigestion
35. Inflammatory Bowl Disease
36. Lactose Intolerance
37. Lupus
38. Male Infertility
39. Memory Loss
40. Menopause
41. Migraines
42. Multiple Sclerosis
43. Myasthenia Gravis
44. Osteoarthritis
45. Parasitic Conditions
46. Parkinson’s Disease 
47. PMS
48. Pregnancy side effects 
49. Prostate Conditions 
50. Psoriasis 
51. Raynaud Phenomenon
52. Rheumatoid Arthritis 
53. Scleroderma 
54. Sleep Disorders 
55. Helps Relieve Stress
56. Thyroiditis 
57. Type I Diabetes 
58. Type II Diabetes
59. Ulcerative Colitis 
60. Viral Conditions 












2. Acai BerryThe 21 Things Acai Berry Is Known For 

1. Boosts energy levels

2. Improves digestive function

3. Improves mental clarity/focus 

4. Promotes sound sleep

5. Provides all vital vitamins

6. Contains several important minerals

7. Is an extremely powerful free radical fighter

8. Acai has very high levels of fibers

9. Cleanses and Detoxifies the body of infectious toxins

10. Strengthens your immune system 

11. Enhances sexual desire and performance

12. Fights cancerous cells

13. Slows down the aging process

14. Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin

15. Alleviates diabetes

16. Normalizes and regulates cholesterol levels

17. Helps maintain healthy heart function

18. Minimizes inflammation

19. Improves circulation

20. Prevents artherosclerosis

21. Enhances visual acuity

Goji Juice– The 17 Things Goji Juice Is Known For:

1. To strengthen the heart and alleviate heart palpitations

2. fights insomnia and forgetfulness

3. contains polysaccharides which control the pituitary glands that produce HGH

4. can be used by pregnant women to alleviate morning sickness.

5. Has in clinical trials shown a partial reversal in sexual dysfunction in seniors

6. Used to boost the function of the immune system

7. Has some anti-cancer properties and has been successfully used to treat hepatitis-B

8. Has been used successfully for weight loss

9. Helps the body detox, cleans the blood and build the immune system.

10. They contain 19 amino acids including the 8 essential amino acids.

11. They have 21 trace minerals including zinc, calcium, germanium, selenium

12. Has more Beta-carotene than carrots and has a complete spectrum of antioxidants.

13. Has vitamin E which is almost unheard of in fruits

14. Has 500 times more Vitamin C by weight than oranges

15. It contains the anti-inflammatory agent beta-sitosterol which lowers cholesterol

16. They have essential fatty acids such as omega 6 and linoleic acid

17. Has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal proper

4. Noni Juice– The 7 Things Noni Juice Is Known For:


1. Noni boosts the immune system: Noni is considered one of the most nutritious fruits. Many of its nutrients are known to stimulate the immune system.

2. Noni stimulates digestion: Noni juice has traditionally been used as a laxative.

3. Noni is rich in anti-oxidants: Research has shown that Noni juice exhibits better antioxidant activity than grape seed extract and pycnogenol.

4. Noni works as an analgesic: The Noni tree is also knows as the ‘Painkiller and Headache tree’. Noni has been found to be 75% as effective as morphine sulphate in relieving pain without the toxic side effects.

5. Noni has antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic properties: With the presence of active compounds like anthraquinones, scopoletin and terpenes, Noni is effective against bacteria and fungus.

6. Noni has anti-inflammatory properties: Noni juice has shown similar results to the newer over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

7. Noni has shown to be anti-tumor/anti-cancerous: Noni juice contains noni-ppt, which has shown anti-tumor activity.



5. Aloe Vera Juice– The Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice


1. Detox- Aloe Vera juice is a great natural aid to detox. With our stressful lives, the pollution around us and the junk foods we eat, we all need to cleanse our systems from time to time. Some people more often than others! Drinking aloe vera juice provides a fantastically rich cocktail of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to help our bodies deal with these stresses and strains everyday.


2. Healthy Digestion- A healthy digestive system makes sure that we absorb as many of the nutrients as possible from the foods we eat. Aloe vera juice has natural detoxifying abilities; and drinking aloe vera juice seems to improve bowel regularity and increases protein absorption. It also helps to decrease the amount of unfriendly bacteria and yeast in our gut. Aloe vera has been shown to help reduce and soothe heartburn and other digestive problems.


3. Natural Immune Support- Aloe vera is full of anti-oxidants – natural immune enhancers which fight free radicals within our body. Free radicals are the unstable compounds produced as a side-effect of our metabolism. They are thought to cause various ailments, as well as contributing to the ageing process. Drinking aloe vera juice regularly gives the body a regular supply of anti-oxidants, which can boost and enhance the immune system.


4. Reduce Inflammation- Aloe vera juice contains 12 substances which can slow down or inhibit inflammation, without any side-effects. Some people say that drinking aloe vera juice helps with their stiff, swollen or painful joints.


5. Collagen and Elastin Repair for Healthy Skin- Drinking aloe vera juice adds a rich supply of raw materials to your diet, which can produce and maintain really healthy skin. The skin replaces itself every 28 days. Using the nutritional building blocks of aloe vera, the skin can use these nutrients daily to help combat the effects of ageing. Aloe vera also helps in soothing minor burns, cuts, scrapes and skin irritations.


6. Regulate Weight and Energy Levels- Drinking aloe vera juice naturally allows the body to cleanse the digestive system. Our diets include many substances which can cause fatigue and exhaustion. Taken regularly, aloe vera juice ensures a greater feeling of well-being, allowing energy levels to increase and helps maintain a healthy body weight.


7. Daily Dose of Vitamins and Minerals- Aloe vera juice contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12 (the aloe vera plant is one of the few plants in the world to contain vitamin B12), C, E, Folic Acid and Niacin. The human body cannot store some of these vitamins, so we need to supplement them regularly through our diet. The minerals found in aloe vera include Calcium, Sodium, Iron, Potassium, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Magnesium, Chromium and more… Plenty of good nutrition in aloe vera juice!


8. Amino Acids- The human body requires 20 amino acids to build protein; 8 of these amino acids are ‘essential’ which means the body can’t make them itself. Aloe vera contains 19 of these amino acids, and 7 of the essential amino acids. So drinking aloe vera juice tops up your body’s daily supply.


9. Dental Health- Aloe vera is extremely helpful for your mouth and gums. As well as its natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbial actions, it contains vitamins and minerals which promote cell growth and healing. There are some aloe vera toothgels available which contain a high level of pure aloe vera, which may help with bleeding gums and mouth ulcers.


10. Better than Nutritional Supplements- Recent research has shown that adding good foods to our diets, rich in naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, is far better than adding supplements alone. The good news is that Aloe Vera juice is considered a food, rather than a manufactured supplement. So drinking aloe vera juice is probably better than taking supplements alone, because our bodies can absorb all the nutrients in aloe vera more easily, and utilise them more effectively.



6. Pomegranate JuiceThe 11 Things Pomegranate Juice Is Known For:


1. Fights Breast Cancer– Studies in Israel show that pomegranate juice destroys breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. It may also prevent breast cancer cells from forming.

2. Lung Cancer Prevention– Studies in mice show that pomegranate juice may inhibit the development of lung cancer.

3. Slows Prostate Cancer– It slowed the growth of prostate cancer in mice.

4. Keeps PSA Levels Stable– In a study of 50 men who had undergone treatment for prostate cancer, 8 ounces of pomegranate juice per day kept PSA levels stable, reducing the need for further treatment such as chemotherapy or hormone therapy.

5. Protects the Neonatal Brain– Studies show that maternal consumption of pomegranate juice may protect the neonatal brain from damage after injury.

6. Prevention of Osteoarthritis– Several studies indicate that pomegranate juice may prevent cartilage deterioration.

7. Protects the Arteries– It prevents plaque from building up in the arteries and may reverse previous plaque buildup.

8. Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention– It may prevent and slow Alzheimer’s disease. In one study, mice bred to develop Alzheimer’s disease were given pomegranate juice. They accumulated significantly less amyloid plaque than control mice and they performed mental tasks better.

9. Lowers Cholesterol– It lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises HDL (good cholesterol).

10. Lowers Blood Pressure– One study showed that drinking 1.7 ounces of pomegranate juice per day lowered systolic blood pressure by as much as 5 percent.

11. Dental Protection– Research suggests that drinking pomegranate juice may be a natural way to prevent dental plaque.



Other Key Ingredients That Vitalagy Contains

CoQ10 – heart, cell, brain and overall health

Grape Seed Extract – one of the most powerful antioxidants, brain, skin, eye, heart health

Ionic Sea Minerals – rich source of essential minerals and trace elements, overall health

Alpha Lipoic Acid – brain function, diabetes, energy, high in antioxidants

Blueberry – nerves, memory, eyesight, urinary tract, anti-inflammatory agent

Cherry – gout, arthritis, muscle pain, high in antioxidants

Pear – cleanse digestive system, fever, rich in nutrients, antioxidants, anticarcinogens

Mulberry Leaf – antioxidant, helps control blood sugar, diabetes, cardiovascular system

Bilberry – eyesight, circulation, high in antioxidants

Pine Bark Extract – healthy brain function, high in antioxidants

Curcumin – anti-inflammatory, may inhibit tumors, HIV, antioxidant

Fibersol-2 (Dietary Fiber) – natural soluble dietary fiber, cleanse digestive system

Phosphytidylcholine – brain function, metabolizes fat and helps it pass from the body

Vitamin A – eyesight, bones, teeth, repair body tissues, fight infection, defends against cancer

Vitamin C – antioxidant, aids in creation of collagen, boosts immune function

Vitamin E – antioxidant, stamina, endurance, improves blood flow, lowers blood pressure

Vitamin B3 – niacinamide: skin, nerves, digestive system, dilates blood vessels, pain relief

Vitamin B6 – helps metabolism, improves mood, nervous system, immunity, decreases inflammation

Vitamin B12 – maintains healthy nerve cells & red blood cells, needed to make DNA

Chromium – help metabolize sugar, carbohydrate, fat, and protein

Potassium – maintain the body’s fluid balance, convert blood sugar, healthy muscle growth, nervous system & brain  

There is simply NO other product on the market that contains more Healthy Nutrients for you than Vitalagy!


Just to buy all 6 of these Super Juices individually every month would cost you over $140/mo


Vitalagy gives you all 6 Super Juices and MUCH MORE for only around a buck a packet!


All you have to do is mix the great tasting grape powder into a water bottle and you have an instant SUPER Antioxidant Drink!


We recommend that you have 1 packet of Vitalagy every morning and 1 every afternoon or evening.


You can also mix Vitalagy with one of our A.C.T. Energy Drinks or with our Weight Loss Product called BodyTrim. To find out more about this other products please visit EdwardMayerdotcom





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The Food & Drug Administration has not evaluated any statement listed on this site. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. Patients should consult their health care practitioners for advice before beginning any new health care program.